Nature speaks in silent actions, take a walk, the soul will hear. Nature Photography Michigan is a photograppy collection that was captured in the moment of inspiration. Its purpose is that a particular photograph will communicate to your soul a needed lesson for you to learn or a message your soul needs to hear, or simply reduced your stress.
"In silence I hear a greater truth." ThirdSon
The mind is not just something that has five senses. The mind is an instrument that can interpret complex lessons from a rather complicated eco system called nature. Nature provides all the lessons you need in life to understand life. Nature is the only school, in the whole earth with all the visual lessons.
The same happened to me on early morning as I stood at the edge of a steep incline looking out over the wetland; this giant bird flew by within a few feet of me and as it did, it filled my mind with conversation. I later discovered his name was Grus Canadensis. Grus had a remarkable story to share with me about the undisciplined human mind.
As a kid, I spent an enormous amount of time down by the river. I later discovered that the sky above this river was alive. I developed a special relationship with the CloudHost beings. They – the CloudHost – helped reshape my once naive thoughts into right angles of light that I might see more helpful truths and hidden realities.