Images of Birds – Nature, Birds of the Gods


Images of Birds – Michigan, Birds of the Gods

One Strange SunSet in Jimme’ – A Particular Sun 

One late evening I was sitting quietly amist a deep thicket of shrubry, I had not moved the slightest for I had just awaken from a dozing off-nap.  When I opened my eyes I started looking directly in front of me and began to focus through the many thin branches crisscrossing in every direction. I saw a group of old men sitting motionless and soundless, yet they appeared to be transfixed and in communication with someone far off on the horizon.

I turned to look in the direction they all were facing and I saw a most beautiful sun set scene as I had ever witnessed. Lucky for me there were not many branches to obscure my few from this angle.

I too became gradually mesmerized by the huge, dimly lit orb of golden light that seemed to elicit a most inspiring awe of all who was privileged to behold. A spectacular display that drew the attention of man and birds alike.


Michigan Birds – Green Heron


This particular Sun that appeared in the sky of Jimme’ that evening was a thousand times larger than the one where I come from… Continue Images of Birds here at the nature-photography photo gallery.

Images of Birds

There is plenty of opportunity to capture many striking images of birds throughout Michigan during summer and winter months.

This Sun was magnificent! I realized I had not inquired of it’s name. I would

Michigan Birds

Green Heron Michigan Birds

later, in a most mystifying way in my encounter with the man who write’s on thin air, I would later in life discover the awesome identity of that, particular, Sun.

On one occasion, I spotted a large green bird perched up high in a tall tree sitting on a branch in full attention, dressed to kill in it’s Sunday’s best of forest green plumage, but what a most striking image of this Michigan Bird as it seemed to stretch and pose for the camera shot.


ThirdSon and the River’s Sky
images of birdsThirdSon and the River’s Sky


  • As a kid, I spent an enormous amount of time down by the river. I was drawn like a magnet to the many sounds of nature that filled the air-the tides rumbling ashore, the faint call of seagulls echoing in the distant background. I would remain there all day under the pretense that I was fishing. I would walk the shores for miles, moving from one spot to the next. I later discovered that the sky above this river was alive. 
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Bird Photography – Stepping Out in Michigan

Bird Photography by Ike Austin

For all traumatic experiences, a passage through nature can sometimes offer surprising psychological results.

There is much testimony over the ages and from many sources who have written about spiritual benefits during their exposure to nature.


Bird Photography

Bird Photography

It is with this purpose that I have assembled a collections of bird photography of Michigan Birds.

I hope that those who view the bird photos find a renewed strength, experience a reduced weight of personal burdens and gain a new enlightenment that will result in real & permanent benefit to the soul.

“The silence of nature sometimes has the effect to alter the mind. Quite often when I have come close to nature, I am transformed from the uncivilized to those that are nearer heaven, being among speechless nature, I discovered I am amongst the truly civilized.” —ThirdSon and the River’s sky

Enjoy this collection of… Bird Photography that is truly Therapy for the Soul.


Birds in Flight – Michigan Nature Photography

Birds in Flight – Michigan Bird Photography

A few Michigan birds in action, performing aerobatics flight maneuvers. There is plenty of opportunity to witness the grace of birds in flight of all sizes and places throughout Michigan.

Take a look at this giant Horned Owl as he jumps to a branch that is atop of the tree cavity where his owlets are huddled in a tight snuggled group. View full size bird photo here… Michigan Great Horned Owl

Michigan Birds - Great Horned Owl - Bird Photo by Ike Austin

Michigan Birds - Great Horned Owl

Photography by Ike Austin – Birds of Michigan

Birds of Michigan – Birds Eye View

There is a sense that he who rules the skies, rule the land.

In visiting the many Michigan Metro Parks over the past thirty-five years, and walking the many off the-beaten-path nature trails, I witnessed some of my most interesting sightings of nature and a plethora of birds of Michigan.

The birds of Michigan and nature has not disappointed, even against the onslaught and wholesale destruction of over seventy-five percent of Michigan wetlands, nature rises above the occasion delivers a visual spectacle for all who visit her and wish to be enlightened.

The birds still dart, sore and glide across the skies keeping a watchful eye upon the earth and it’s less than faithful stewards below, and to some, with a slight tip of their wing, and looking at me with the eyes of a man, they covertly signal their sign of approval… I quickly snap a shot to freeze the precious moment of this rare invitation of acceptance to later gain deeper insight into the many mysteries of birds and nature.

One early morning deep in one of the hidden forests I visit, one gigantic bird glided pass my position where I stood at the edge of steep drop-off, this birded looked to be hundreds of years old an big and long as a the box car of a train forty to fify feet in length.  He passed me in total silence, we made eye contact, I heard him speaking…

Whomever destroys his own habitat and that of others… What is man?” —ThirdSon and the River’s Sky

Birds of Michigan

Whomever destroys his own habitat and that of others... What is man?

Nature Photograpy That Brings Therapy to the Soul – I hope these photos serve your health the same.

Visit the photo gallery to request prints, photos or screen savers you feel you particularly enjoy.
Nature Photography By Ike Austin



For the Love of Michigan Birds

Michigan Birds – For the Love of Michigan

Michigan is a profusion of many species of birds, bird rookery’s, habitats and a migration hot spots for many other non-resident birds that use Michigan as a rest-stop as they make their annual journey from one state to their over wintering vacation spot.

I happened to be lucky enough one day (while visiting Erie MetroPark) to get a photo of a Ross Goose, a Canadian northern bird that paid a quick rare visit to Michigan on it’s migratory journey to California. The Ross Goose seemed quite at home as it co-mingled among a gaggle of native Michigan Birds.

Michigan Birds - Nature Photography by Ike Austin

Ross Goose

Nature Photograpy That Brings Therapy to the Soul – I hope these photos serve your health the same.

Visit the photo gallery to request prints, photos or screen savers you feel you particularly enjoy.
Nature Photography By Ike Austin

—ThirdSon and the River’s Sky

Nature Photography – Nature Speaks Through Birds

Nature Photography – Nature Speaks

There is a peculiar emotion that can swell up inside you sometimes when you are walking among the animals of the wild. This emotion can cast a feeling of deep appreciation for the earth, water,  and even sounds of nature. The precious moment of emotion may last for an extended period of time or, it might be fleeting, leaving you with an incessant urge to try an recapture the feeling.

Nature Photography

Nature Photography - Bee Wasp

You will find yourself a loss for words to explain the experience. How does one describe when there are no words within the half-million or so words in the English language. You could say, I felt lofty, I felt as though an invisible weight I never knew was there, suddenly lifted from my shoulder. You might try describing a sublime serenity that eased over your mind as you causally  stood and became mesmerized by the flicking, shimmering thousand tiny reflections of light that bounced off the waters surface into your eyes. Before you knew it, as you slowly returned to reality from this transcendental state, a considerable amount of time has passed and you were momentarily disconnected from the cares of the world.

Your only hope might be nature photography.  A quick snap shot from a camera has the potential to capture the moment, or at least the physical aspects of scenery which can sometimes rekindle emotions you felt during the period.

Nature Photography

Nature Photography - Ancient Feet

Nature photography can be simple as using any off-the shelf, point and shoot store bought camera.

Taking photos of birds, animals and a scenery’s of nature is therapy for the soul. Whether you walk alone, with your spouse or your entire family, the walk among the open elements teaming with life and profusion will mentor the soul and mind of all who will be patient enough to let nature speak.

Ancient Feet

“I share the Earth, the Sun acknowledge my presents by casting my shadow upon the face of the Earth. The space the earth has granted my feet, is a covenant between me and earth, not man.”

“The silence of nature has the effect to clean the mind of constant noise pollution. Pure sounds and images of nature alter the soul, when you  come close to nature, stress is transformed to calm, when you leave behind the noisy hustle and bustle, you are now amongst the truly civilized.”
—ThirdSon and the River’s Sky

My walks with nature has truly been, therapy for the soul.

I wish everyone who view these nature photos, benefit in a way that nature intends you to. Visit the ThirdSon Nature Photography.

“Go, take your walk, give your undivided attention and listen to nature to learn what you must learn.” —ThirdSon

Nature Photography – Therapy for the Soul


Nature Photography – Michigan Birds

“Therapy for the Soul”

Nature speaks in silent actions, take a walk, the soul will hear.– ThirdSon

Everyone can hear, everyone listen… to nature

Try to enjoy the many nature photography and wildlife photos in this first gallery. Open your mind and elaborate on any thoughts and feelings that may be stimulated in your mind. In my personal walk in secluded wooded areas, my observations of nature have truly been therapy to my soul.

Nature photography and bird pictures appear help to relieve stress at least in my case anyway.

“The silence of nature has the effect to clean the mind of constant noise pollution. Pure sounds and images of nature alter the soul, when you  come close to nature, stress is transformed to calm, when you leave behind the noisy hustle and bustle, you are now amongst the truly civilized.” —ThirdSon

I wish everyone who view these nature photos, benefit in a way that nature intends you to. Visit the ThirdSon Nature Photography Michigan Bird Blog

National Geographic’s Annual 2011 Photo Competition
This Michigan photo won editors’ favorite in the NG 2011 photo contest.

Nature Photography Michigan

Nature Photography Michigan

Go See Here: National Geographic Photo Contest 2011

Therapy for the Soul  – Photography that Benefits the Mind

Take  first nature walks slowly, let the silence and the sounds of nature; the rustling of small animals in a pile of leaves, the sound of various mating bird calls off in the distance, this will permit the rare occasional moments when nature will attempt to transfer its esoteric messages from nature to your mind.

Mentally relax and pay attention to what mysteriously draw your attention, this is often natures way of presenting a needed solution or esoteric communication that is meant for you at a critical time in your life. Or, it may simply be a life lesson that nature has detected you can benefit.

Physical needs are not the area of focus during your stroll among nature. Yet strange enough, the way your mind will be altered, can change your life for the better. The mind controls perception thus, emotion can impact health.

As you continue to walk and look around, you will become casually drawn deeper into the silence.

Encrypted messages of nature can strangely manifest themselves in the form of a small creatures. A message might be revealed in the the manner  in which the animal might sit on a branch looking at you in a peculiar  way or  when and how the creature poke its head from out the cavity of a fallen tree stump—you may suddenly feel a non-verbal understand of something related to life in general or about your own personal life, or thoughts buried deep in your mind you thought were secret, but you will discover you have a new revelation on the subject and to your surprise you will began to realize that… nature knows.

A large raptor circling high above in a cloudless blue sky may emanate a message to your mind providing you a view of life from a higher perspective other than your ordinary ground level viewpoint.

Michigan Birds – Nature in Silence

So by planning or just by an act of spontaneity, go take that walk among nature. Get a very different understanding of animals—as we have been taught to call them. But, what do they think of us?

nature photography michigan

Is man earth’s best friend?

Observe the forest creatures behavior for several visits and see if your perception of animals as being simple emotionless, soulless and mindless creatures will change. Don’t try to force your perspective of animals, just see if your opinion will naturally morph into a different perspective after a few short visits and close observations.

Go and see if the pollutions of the mind are clarified and the complexities of life become simplified—the answers to what you need is in the walk among animals—so called.

The Things Nature Tell Us

Nature speaks to us all, in silence I hear a deeper truth—ThirdSon

When possible, grab that camera take a photo and freeze some of those moments of your experience for future reference and sharing.

Visit Home Page: Nature Photography – Michigan Birds

Kensington Park

Kensington MetroPark Photos

A collection of Kensington MetroPark nature photpgraphy by Ike Austin.

Nature says many things to us and attempts to do so in many ways. In silence, you can hear messages from a deeper truth. Visit Nature-Photography Here.
ThirdSon and the River’s Sky

Nature Photography by Ike Austin

Nature Photography by Ike Austin

Michigan Birds Photos by Ike Austin

Michigan Birds  – Nature Photography by Ike Austin

Enjoy the many photography nature and wildlife shots, listen to the thoughts and feelings that these images place in your heart. In my personal walk with nature it has been truly therapy to my soul.  These nature photography and bird pictures will help relieve stress and help you clear your mind from the noise of everyday life that prevents us all from hearing and seeing the pure sounds and images of nature which has the capacity to benefit and alter the soul in a positive manner.

Michigan Birds

Michigan Birds

Nature Photograpy That Brings Therapy to the Soul – I hope these photos serve your health the same.

Nature speaks a silent language all of it’s own. Walk, then wait for those precious and rare moments when nature will reveal itself to you, a personal message crafted for your own benefit.  It may be communicated by a bird, insect or larger four legged mammal. It might be passed to you from the ripples on the surface of a lake or arrive to your soul upon distant low and muffled thundering emulating over the horizon.

Michigan birds are also messengers of nature.  I have been the recipient of nature’s many lessons and accumulated, time ripened wisdom. Kensington Metro Park – Jimme’ section. 



nature photography - michigan

Nature Photography by Ike Austin – Michigan
Photography that is Therapy for the Soul 

Birds Photography Night Heron

Visit the photo gallery to request prints, photos or screen savers you feel you particularly enjoy.
Nature Photography By Ike Austin

Michigan Birds Dialogue with Nature

The decisions of one, affects all—ThirdSon and the River’s Sky

Michigan Bird Photographer – Ike Austin

Michigan Bird Photographer – Ike Austin

Beautiful birds and images of birds captured throughout various Metro Parks in Michigan. This is a collection of Michigan Birds photographed by Ike Austin.

I have met many photographers and wonderful staff members at the Metro Parks. I encourage all to visit and enjoy what therapy that much needed silence of Michigan parks can provide to the human spirit.