Raptor Bird of Prey – The Redest RedTail

Raptor Bird of Prey – The Redest RedTail

Buto Jamaicensis

The Redest RedTail

Hawk Talons looks more like natures version of Automatic Knives for this large raptor bird of prey. The Red tailed hawk is one of Michigan’s favorite bird of prey hawks.  The mature redtail looks almost powerful. the chest can appear protruded & robust and if you are fortunate to get a closeup look at an open set of those claws or technically known as talons , the sight will leave you with an impression of futility for those unfortunate enough to get snared by those talons hydraulic death grips. Check out these MONSTER TALONS on this Michigan Red-tailed Hawk!!!

The Michigan Red-tailed Hawk is single mindedness in it’s pursuit and is non-distracted by other birds that seek to antagonize the Michigan raptor bird of prey while enjoying a meal.


Raptor Bird of Prey - Michigan Red-tailed Hawk

Raptor Bird of Prey – Pair of Predators – Red-tailed Hawk



nature photography red tailed hawk

Redtail of the Redtail Hawk closeup

 The Red, Robust Raptors of Michigan

nature photography - michigan

Nature Photography by Ike Austin – Michigan
Photography that is Therapy for the Soul 

Birds Photography Night Heron

Nature Photography – Michigan Belted KingFisher

Nature Photography – Michigan Belted KingFisher – The Blue Streaker

Megaceryle Alcyon – to grieve

Every Michigander should make seeing a Belted KingFisher in action a 2013 commitment.  Observing their fishing activity is both therapeutic and interesting to watch.  Firstly, the KingFisher quickly sends out a rapid machine gun like voice (KingFisher Call) to signal its arrival. After landing on a protruding strategically located tree branch, the King Fisher is now ready to dive for underwater prey. See Michigan Belted KingFisher photos here.  Flickr – Michigan Bird photos King Fisher here.

Michigan – Blue Waters, Blue Birds – The Great Blue State


Belted KingFisher Michigan

Belted KingFisher Michigan

Visit Wildlife in the Wetlands Art Gallery



nature photography - michigan



Nature Photography by Ike Austin – Michigan
Photography that is Therapy for the Soul 

Birds Photography Night Heron

Nature Photography – Michigan Blue Heron

Nature Photography – Michigan Great Blue Heron
One Early Morning in a Michigan Metro Park

During my regular excursion into nature, I would often encounter this large and Prehistoric looking bird with big bluish, grayish plummage. I have seen this giant Great Blue Heron many times, but have never gotten tired of Michigan Blue Heron presents, its high glide, loud squawk and proud elongated super strut.

great blue heron has landed michigan bird

great blue heron has landed

Michigan  Big Beautiful Blue

This majestic looking bird has provided the most picturesque silhouette is often seen in many occasions such as landscape scenes, photo back drops, artist drawings and gift items.  This Michigan Bird is a elongated beautiful bird with it’s long neck and tall legs that help to create the most  interesting scenery when stalking prey of small fish, or standing motionless with that trademark one-legged pose. In full sun or dense fog, the Grey Heron is a bird sighting that will always create a feeling of relaxation and always grab my attention.  See this spectacular landing of the Great Blue Heron Michigan Bird


With an open in-flight wing span that can extend over six feet, the blue Michigan Bird of nature is hard to miss. Whether seen in one of Michigan’s wetlands or Metro Parks, walking on the ground, gliding close near the water’s surface or flying high, Big Blue is lord of the skies and one of the rare birds that with it’s every move ,can become the center of everyone’s attention.  The loud squawk of this peculiar Michigan trademark bird is truly reminiscent of a sound coming right out of  one of those infamous Jarassic Park movies. If you happen to startle one of these wetland birds the Big Blue will bealow out a deep bass-like, slow motion, long cackle sound that fills the surrounding air. Or, it will cackle at other Herons that enter it’s territory uninvited. It is a common sight to watch one Blue Heron chasing close behind another until it reach the outer edge of the more dominate Blue Herons domain.

Bird Photo Great Blue Heron

Blue Heron Looking Up

After settling territory dispute, the giant heron will slowly circle the area then glide back down looking as light as a feather where upon it can resume it’s fishing activities.

Nest Building – Top of the World
Big Blue Michigan Herons

The Great Blue Heron birds of Michigan that raise their young in a community of other Blue Herons and sometimes the colony is shared with White Egrets high in the tree tops.  What a spectacular sight of nature to behold which will also provide many opportunities for nature photography of this awesome Bird of Michigan.

michigan-birds-blue-heron nest building

Michigan-Birds-Blue-Heron nest building


Blue Heron – Michigan Bird Winter and Summer

The Great Blue Heron will often make a grand entrance to the wetland by first circling high above then slowing descending with it’s wings extended outward and legs pointed downward.


Blue Heron on Run Way Prepare for Take Off

Blue Heron on Run Way Prepare for Take Off


Blue Herons of Michigan are Great Fisherman

After landing, the heron will stand motionless assessing the area for possible danger. Then after the surveillance is complete, a quick wing fluff ritual is conducted to tiddy up the plumage. He then gaze down toward the water… let the hunt begin!  Blue Heron ready to attack.


Blue Heron Michigan Bird Twins-Double-Hitter Catch of the day

Blue Heron Double-Hitter Catch of the Day


This giant Blue Heron leaped out of the water and then quickly enjoyed a two piece catfish meal!


Great Blue Heron Michigan Bird Low Glider

Great Blue Heron Michigan Bird Low Glider


Blue Herons Michigan’s Bird of Flight

One early morning and quite unexpectedly, a large male heron had demonstrated one of the reasons he has earned the title of “Great” as a prefix to its name…. by catching a double hitter (two large catfish at once.)

Notice the beautiful shades of bluish gray plumage of the various second and first primary feathers from this top down view of the bird in flight.


Great Blue Heron Michigan Bird -Hang Glide

Great Blue Heron Michigan Bird -Hang Glide


View a couple of more Great Blue Heron photos shown below, shots taken at Kensignton and Erie Metro Parks.


Great Blue Heron – Michigan’s Kensignton Metro Park Rookery

Kensington Park located in S.E. Michigan boasts one of the largest and oldest Heron Rookery in the State.  It is comprised and populated with Great White Egrets and Great Blue Herons.  Nest building is very active in the early months of April.

Great Blue Heron - The Family

Great Blue Heron – The Family


About the Great Blue Heron

Nature Photography – Michigan Bird Identification
Photo Taken: Lake Eire MetroPark

Group: Herons and Egrets
Name: Blue Heron
Ardea Herodias

The Michigan Blue Heron is a long 4′-6′ wingspan, blueish and gray plumage, long skinny legs, and long neck.

Adult: Color is blue and gray

Juvenile: More grey-ish white in color with a speckled chest

Flight Characteristics:
Extended wings in flight and typically flap and glide.  The Blue Heron will glide over the surface of water until it reach a hunting place.

Habitat: The Michigan Blue Heron prefers open grasslands, lakes and wetlands.

Nesting: Blue Herons will construct a rather large mounded nests made of branches and twigs of various sizes. They can be spotted high in the tops of trees, in parks in what can be best described as amazing tree top condominiums technically called a rookery. There might be 30 or more pairs and families of blue herons cackling and making all sorts of noises as each brings new branches to expand their own individual nests.

Incubates 4-7 pale blue eggs for appx 28 days. Younglings go in flight in about 60 days from day of birth.

Mating Habits: The Michigan Blue Herons mate for one year and find a new mate for next season.

Off Spring: (Juvenile) as with most larger birds.

Feeding: Fish, frogs(amphibians), small chipmunks etc.

Call: Series of low-deep croaking noises.

About the Photography

nature photography - michigan

Nature Photography by Ike Austin – Birds of Michigan Series
Photography that is Therapy for the Soul 

Michigan Bird by Ike AustinMichigan Bird photo by Ike Austin



National Geographic
Editors’ favorite submissions to the 2011 photo contest





ThirdSon and the River’s Sky
images of birdsThirdSon and the River’s Sky


  • As a kid, I spent an enormous amount of time down by the river. I was drawn like a magnet to the many sounds of nature that filled the air-the tides rumbling ashore, the faint call of seagulls echoing in the distant background. I would remain there all day under the pretense that I was fishing. I would walk the shores for miles, moving from one spot to the next. I later discovered that the sky above this river was alive. 
    Read More Here

Green Heron – Michigan Bird


Green Heron, Nature Photography of Michigan Birds

What a wonderful opportunity for nature photography – I happened upon a group Green Herons (technically referred to as a hedge, scattering, or battery) of overly spirited Herons moving frantically about a hidden wetland one early afternoon. This particular wetland accommondates a variety of Michigan Birds.

Michigan Birds

Green Heron Michigan Birds

The battery of Green Herons were flying from branch to branch, low branches, high branches, with some of the birds sitting motionless, single and pairs.  Another pair of herons was perched together (one slightly behind the other) appeared as though they were in deep meditation, contemplating Michigan wetland secrets or something. Or, maybe like me, they were just enjoying the spectacle of quick flight aerobics that filled the wetland air space as each these green birds of Michigan darted about.

Birds of Michigan Wetlands

Birds of Michigan Wetlands

One of the Green Herons was perched in full predator pose, standing like a statue staring intently, downward at the surface of the water, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.  With it’s head hunched, neck elongated; stretched to a length twice it’s body length, and with feet that curled around the branch looking more like alien tendacles than typical bird feet.

This Michigan bird is one of the strangest looking creatures in all the bird inhabitants of the wetlands and can provides some of the most interesting nature photography of this peculiar elastic neck bird.

Green Heron Half head, half mouth

Green Heron Half head, half mouth

Butorides Verescens

Nature Photography – Michigan Bird Identification

Photo Taken: Kensington Metro Park, Michigan

About the Green Heron

Appearance: The Green Heron is a elastic bird. At times the Green Heron is hunched in and appears short and stubby, long yellow legs, and long black beak with yellow eyes. Other times the Green Heron can stretch twicce its length. The Green Heron can swivel his head 180 degrees. Wing span can can extend to 3.5 feet.

Adult: Color is Dark forest green with aztec like designs on it’s covert and wing bars plumage.

Flight Characteristics: Swift and quick wings in flight and typically flapping their wings as they jump from tree. Green Herons prefer open wooded marshes, wetlands and forests.

Mating Habits: The Great Heron start courtship as early as April, listenf for their mating skreeching calls. The Green Heron will choose one mate for the entire year.

Migration: Traveling mostly during the night, the Green Heron returns from wammer climates in early spring.

Nesting: The Green Heron will construct a nest 10-12 inches in diameter in low growing shrubs or as high as twenty feet up in trees. Incubates 3-5 pale blue eggs for appx 19-21 days. Young are feed by regergitation and independence is gained in as little as 30-35 days.

Off Spring: (Called Chicks)

Feeding: Day hunter. Small amphibians(frogs), earth worms, dragon flies and fish.

Call: Very loud and skretchee sound.

About the Photography

nature photography - michigan

Nature Photography by Ike Austin – Birds of Michigan Series
Photography that is Therapy for the Soul 

For some interesting and imaginative, new awareness reading… read the book below.

ThirdSon and the River’s Sky
images of birdsThirdSon and the River’s Sky


  • As a kid, I spent an enormous amount of time down by the river. I was drawn like a magnet to the many sounds of nature that filled the air-the tides rumbling ashore, the faint call of seagulls echoing in the distant background. I would remain there all day under the pretense that I was fishing. I would walk the shores for miles, moving from one spot to the next. I later discovered that the sky above this river was alive. 
    Read More Here

A Dialogue With Nature – ThirdSon and the River’s Sky

A Dialogue With Nature 

Therapy for the Soul 

Occasionally, when in discourse with the inhabitants of the sky that reside down by the river (this sky over the river is alive), I arrive in the Forest of Jimme’ via a dense cloud that in an instant can billow downward from the sky, surrounding me in dense fog and when the cloud quickly dissipates, I find myself standing at the edge of another reality, I am transferred to Jimme’.

Here in this place, the lessons of truth speak in silence through the minds of nature itself.

But, I write only part truths, because each grain of sand perceives truth from its own perspective.

Here is one grain more…

Silence Speaks in the Forest of Jimme’

In silence, I hear deeper truth.
Decisions – A path of mountains or rivers

nature photography michigan by ike austin
nature photography michigan by ike austin

Decisions – A path of mountains or meadows

This small blade of grass attracted my attention (it is typical  to dialogue with unexpected hosts in Jimme’) the blade of grass began telling me all about a barren tree off in the distance on the other side of a small body of water. I noticed that the tree’s bare branches jutted upward and outward in all directions, not to many branches, but just enough to get noticed from a distance.

This small blade of grass imputed the following thought into my mind;  A decision no matter how seemingly small will branch into eternal consequences. An individual can decide to do something self serving, but remember, a decision, any decision by anyone is grafted into the bark of the tree of all life. Your seemingly independent thought-choice, will affect the many lives that reside down the branch of your decision and alter those lives based upon your seemingly personal action or non-action.
Of Fallen Nations Built on Slavery

In the middle of my pondering  over the true seriousness of a simple decision, I was about to ask a question, but; the small blade interrupted my thought and injected its own; all decisions influenced outcomes. All decisions are root. Decisions affect not just you, your family, liberty of others, but will be the fall of entire nations. It said.

nature photography by ike austin - blade of grass

nature photography by ike austin – blade of grass

Lessons Learned – Dialogues in the Forest of Jimme’

Nature Speaks – Nature Photography, Therapy for the Soul – Everyone can Hear

Nature Speaks  – Through Birds – Therapy for the Soul

Michigan Bird – Mallard Duck – Sun and Darkness Dialogue

Michigan Bird – SandHill Crane Ancient Feet Dialogue

Birds of Michigan – Great Horned Owl Dialogue

Birds of Michigan – Great White Egret Dialogue

Birds of Michigan – Green Heron Dialogue – One Strange Sunset in Jimmie’

– ThirdSon and the River’s Sky






Nature Photography – Michigan Osprey



Nature Photography – Michigan Osprey
One Early Morning in a Michigan Metro Park

I went Osprey hunting several weeks ago, based on the historical patterns that the return of the Osprey’s was imminent after a long winter.

The early morning air was crisp and chilly to my hands and also it seemed to had an operational affect my camera equipment. There was a slight mist on the water’s surface and off in the distance the mist became a transparent milky white that appeared to be sandwiched between the bare tree tops and the water; seagulls circling low to the water’s surface disappeared as they  darted in and out of the thick white mist.

Osprey Spring Arrival in Michigan

My wait wasn’t long before my camera equipment was swung into action. A large shape of a bird in flight was heading my way with a trail of squawking seagulls chasing close behind. It was the infamous Osprey, the Osprey had upset the other birds of the lake with it’s massive and intimidating flight.

Michigan Osprey

Michigan Osprey

Arrival of the Michigan Osprey 2012

Osprey – Magnificent Bird in Flight

The Osprey broke through the distant fog, coming in low barely skimming the water’s surface. With’in seconds it was swooping upward expanding its wings, and extending it’s razor sharp talons outward in full spread–looking like a hand full of automatic knives, then hovering and simultaneously maneuvering itself downward into the nest.

With an almost biblical appearance, the Osprey’s approach and landing maneuvers is always a sight to behold. First, one is captivated by those extended wings of the Osprey, the seemingly various poses this bird appear to orchestrate just for the camera–it’s almost as though this bird is performing at it’s best for the audience of wide eyed admirers. The Osprey never seems to disappoint the many spectators and photographers that come to visit young and old alike.

This particular Osprey brought a new branch to the nest, look’s like the branch was being used as a crowbar on her mate (Bird, Fulcrum, Lever). Was this a female Osprey using a tool trying to get her lazy mate out of the nest to go hunt for some fish?


Michigan Bird - Osprey Royalty Photo by Ike Austin

Michigan Bird – Osprey Royalty

After settling down into the nest. The majestic Osprey makes a surveillance of its domain, it carefully looks around from atop it’s throne; if there is an Osprey couple occupying the nest, what a royal looking pair they make, both looking very regal as they often sit side by side like two statuettes overlooking a kingdom together. Another Michigan Osprey Nesting Pair.

Mating Osprey Pair

Osprey Mating Pair - Michigan Bird

Kensington Osprey Mating Pair – Michigan Bird


Osprey Three Siblings Michigan Birds

All The Spring Loving Paid Off! Osprey Three Siblings Michigan Birds


Osprey Gold Michigan Birds - Photo by Ike Austin

Osprey Catch of the Day! Michigan Birds – Photo by Ike Austin

Predatory Birds of Prey – Michigan

Osprey at Sunrise

As the male Osprey (on of several predatory birds of prey in Michigan) returned one morning basking in the golden rays of the rising sun with a large coy fish, he let out a loud piercing shriek. It was as though he was shouting to his three young juveniles now all staring upward as he did get their attention; look at me, see what a large fish I have, I will not be dropping this one off in the nest, it is still alive and to big for any of you, now watch where I take the fish to eat it!

The male Osprey (one of the largest raptor birds of prey) then proceeded to fly overhead pass his offspring to a branch far off in the distance where he would first make sure the prey was dead and then help himself to an early morning meal. Thereafter, he would return to the nest with fish nuggets for his trio of anxiously waiting juveniles.

View a couple of more Oprey photo’s below.

Osprey-Attack-michigan - Photo by Ike Austin

Osprey-Attack-michigan – Photo by Ike Austin



Osprey-Hang Glide-michigan - Photo by Ike Austin

Osprey-Hang Glide-michigan – Photo by Ike Austin


Osprey Automatic Knives Michigan Birds - Photo by Ike Austin

Osprey Automatic Knives Michigan Birds

About the Osprey

Nature Photography – Michigan Bird Identification
Photo Taken: Kensington MetroPark

Group: Hawks and Egales
Name: Osprey
Pandion Haliaetus

The Michigan Osprey is a long 4′-6′ wingspan, black and white plumage, long skinny legs, and long powers intimidating talons.

Adult: Color is black and white

Juvenile: More grey-ish brown in color

Flight Characteristics:
Extended wings in flight and typically ride thermal drafts similar to large raptors. The Osprey will glide over the surface of water until it reach it’s nesting place.

Habitat: The Michigan Osprey prefers open grasslands, lakes and wetlands.

Nesting: Osprey will construct a rather large mounded nests made of branches and twigs of various sizes. They can be spotted high in the tops of trees, man-made platforms in parks and amazingly, high on top of 300′ foot high cell towers.

Incubates 2-4 yellowish eggs for appx 38 days. Younglings go in flight in about 50 days from day of birth.

Mating Habits: The Michigan Osprey mates for life.

Off Spring: (Juvenile) as with most larger birds.

Feeding: Fish.

Call: Series of low-high whistles.


About the Photography

nature photography - michigan

Nature Photography – Michigan by Ike Austin

Nature Photography by Ike Austin – Birds of Michigan Series
Photography that is Therapy for the Soul 

Michigan Bird by Ike Austin

Michigan Bird photo by Ike Austin



National Geographic
Editors’ favorite submissions to the 2011 photo contest







Osprey Sightings

Michigan Department of Natural Resources 

Check the Michigan Department of Natural Resources to Learn More…

The Department of Natural Resources requests help from wildlife observers to report any sightings of osprey in southern Michigan, particularly in the Maple River area (north of St. Johns,) and in southeast Michigan (Oakland, Wayne, Macomb and Livingston counties.) Report Osprey sightings here at DNR.

Birding Associations and Organizations

This Weeks Honorable Mention:

Osprey Watch of Southeast Michigan (OWSEM)
Purpose: Osprey Watch of Southeast Michigan (OWSEM) is a volunteer organization.  Our goals are to help the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) in their efforts to restore the Osprey to Southern Michigan and to educate the public about this very special raptor.… Read More Here… http://www.owsem.org/

Membership Required: N

Informative Website Information: Y
Year Long Events: Y
Active Birder Blog(s): Y
Active Reporting: Daily
Informative Rating: 8

Osprey Nesting Endangered – Cell Towers

Read more here…

Nature Photography – by Ike Austin

Nature Photography that is Therapy for the Soul

ThirdSon and the River’s Sky
images of birdsThirdSon and the River’s Sky


  • As a kid, I spent an enormous amount of time down by the river. I was drawn like a magnet to the many sounds of nature that filled the air-the tides rumbling ashore, the faint call of seagulls echoing in the distant background. I would remain there all day under the pretense that I was fishing. I would walk the shores for miles, moving from one spot to the next. I later discovered that the sky above this river was alive. 
    Read More Here

Photography by Ike Austin – Birds of Michigan

Birds of Michigan – Birds Eye View

There is a sense that he who rules the skies, rule the land.

In visiting the many Michigan Metro Parks over the past thirty-five years, and walking the many off the-beaten-path nature trails, I witnessed some of my most interesting sightings of nature and a plethora of birds of Michigan.

The birds of Michigan and nature has not disappointed, even against the onslaught and wholesale destruction of over seventy-five percent of Michigan wetlands, nature rises above the occasion delivers a visual spectacle for all who visit her and wish to be enlightened.

The birds still dart, sore and glide across the skies keeping a watchful eye upon the earth and it’s less than faithful stewards below, and to some, with a slight tip of their wing, and looking at me with the eyes of a man, they covertly signal their sign of approval… I quickly snap a shot to freeze the precious moment of this rare invitation of acceptance to later gain deeper insight into the many mysteries of birds and nature.

One early morning deep in one of the hidden forests I visit, one gigantic bird glided pass my position where I stood at the edge of steep drop-off, this birded looked to be hundreds of years old an big and long as a the box car of a train forty to fify feet in length.  He passed me in total silence, we made eye contact, I heard him speaking…

Whomever destroys his own habitat and that of others… What is man?” —ThirdSon and the River’s Sky

Birds of Michigan

Whomever destroys his own habitat and that of others... What is man?

Nature Photograpy That Brings Therapy to the Soul – I hope these photos serve your health the same.

Visit the photo gallery to request prints, photos or screen savers you feel you particularly enjoy.
Nature Photography By Ike Austin



Nature Photography – Nature Speaks Through Birds

Nature Photography – Nature Speaks

There is a peculiar emotion that can swell up inside you sometimes when you are walking among the animals of the wild. This emotion can cast a feeling of deep appreciation for the earth, water,  and even sounds of nature. The precious moment of emotion may last for an extended period of time or, it might be fleeting, leaving you with an incessant urge to try an recapture the feeling.

Nature Photography

Nature Photography - Bee Wasp

You will find yourself a loss for words to explain the experience. How does one describe when there are no words within the half-million or so words in the English language. You could say, I felt lofty, I felt as though an invisible weight I never knew was there, suddenly lifted from my shoulder. You might try describing a sublime serenity that eased over your mind as you causally  stood and became mesmerized by the flicking, shimmering thousand tiny reflections of light that bounced off the waters surface into your eyes. Before you knew it, as you slowly returned to reality from this transcendental state, a considerable amount of time has passed and you were momentarily disconnected from the cares of the world.

Your only hope might be nature photography.  A quick snap shot from a camera has the potential to capture the moment, or at least the physical aspects of scenery which can sometimes rekindle emotions you felt during the period.

Nature Photography

Nature Photography - Ancient Feet

Nature photography can be simple as using any off-the shelf, point and shoot store bought camera.

Taking photos of birds, animals and a scenery’s of nature is therapy for the soul. Whether you walk alone, with your spouse or your entire family, the walk among the open elements teaming with life and profusion will mentor the soul and mind of all who will be patient enough to let nature speak.

Ancient Feet

“I share the Earth, the Sun acknowledge my presents by casting my shadow upon the face of the Earth. The space the earth has granted my feet, is a covenant between me and earth, not man.”

“The silence of nature has the effect to clean the mind of constant noise pollution. Pure sounds and images of nature alter the soul, when you  come close to nature, stress is transformed to calm, when you leave behind the noisy hustle and bustle, you are now amongst the truly civilized.”
—ThirdSon and the River’s Sky

My walks with nature has truly been, therapy for the soul.

I wish everyone who view these nature photos, benefit in a way that nature intends you to. Visit the ThirdSon Nature Photography.

“Go, take your walk, give your undivided attention and listen to nature to learn what you must learn.” —ThirdSon

Nature Photography – Therapy for the Soul


Nature Photography – Michigan Birds

“Therapy for the Soul”

Nature speaks in silent actions, take a walk, the soul will hear.– ThirdSon

Everyone can hear, everyone listen… to nature

Try to enjoy the many nature photography and wildlife photos in this first gallery. Open your mind and elaborate on any thoughts and feelings that may be stimulated in your mind. In my personal walk in secluded wooded areas, my observations of nature have truly been therapy to my soul.

Nature photography and bird pictures appear help to relieve stress at least in my case anyway.

“The silence of nature has the effect to clean the mind of constant noise pollution. Pure sounds and images of nature alter the soul, when you  come close to nature, stress is transformed to calm, when you leave behind the noisy hustle and bustle, you are now amongst the truly civilized.” —ThirdSon

I wish everyone who view these nature photos, benefit in a way that nature intends you to. Visit the ThirdSon Nature Photography Michigan Bird Blog

National Geographic’s Annual 2011 Photo Competition
This Michigan photo won editors’ favorite in the NG 2011 photo contest.

Nature Photography Michigan

Nature Photography Michigan

Go See Here: National Geographic Photo Contest 2011

Therapy for the Soul  – Photography that Benefits the Mind

Take  first nature walks slowly, let the silence and the sounds of nature; the rustling of small animals in a pile of leaves, the sound of various mating bird calls off in the distance, this will permit the rare occasional moments when nature will attempt to transfer its esoteric messages from nature to your mind.

Mentally relax and pay attention to what mysteriously draw your attention, this is often natures way of presenting a needed solution or esoteric communication that is meant for you at a critical time in your life. Or, it may simply be a life lesson that nature has detected you can benefit.

Physical needs are not the area of focus during your stroll among nature. Yet strange enough, the way your mind will be altered, can change your life for the better. The mind controls perception thus, emotion can impact health.

As you continue to walk and look around, you will become casually drawn deeper into the silence.

Encrypted messages of nature can strangely manifest themselves in the form of a small creatures. A message might be revealed in the the manner  in which the animal might sit on a branch looking at you in a peculiar  way or  when and how the creature poke its head from out the cavity of a fallen tree stump—you may suddenly feel a non-verbal understand of something related to life in general or about your own personal life, or thoughts buried deep in your mind you thought were secret, but you will discover you have a new revelation on the subject and to your surprise you will began to realize that… nature knows.

A large raptor circling high above in a cloudless blue sky may emanate a message to your mind providing you a view of life from a higher perspective other than your ordinary ground level viewpoint.

Michigan Birds – Nature in Silence

So by planning or just by an act of spontaneity, go take that walk among nature. Get a very different understanding of animals—as we have been taught to call them. But, what do they think of us?

nature photography michigan

Is man earth’s best friend?

Observe the forest creatures behavior for several visits and see if your perception of animals as being simple emotionless, soulless and mindless creatures will change. Don’t try to force your perspective of animals, just see if your opinion will naturally morph into a different perspective after a few short visits and close observations.

Go and see if the pollutions of the mind are clarified and the complexities of life become simplified—the answers to what you need is in the walk among animals—so called.

The Things Nature Tell Us

Nature speaks to us all, in silence I hear a deeper truth—ThirdSon

When possible, grab that camera take a photo and freeze some of those moments of your experience for future reference and sharing.

Visit Home Page: Nature Photography – Michigan Birds

Michigan Bird Photographer – Ike Austin

Michigan Bird Photographer – Ike Austin

Beautiful birds and images of birds captured throughout various Metro Parks in Michigan. This is a collection of Michigan Birds photographed by Ike Austin.

I have met many photographers and wonderful staff members at the Metro Parks. I encourage all to visit and enjoy what therapy that much needed silence of Michigan parks can provide to the human spirit.